This workday we will be endeavoring to paint the entire track surface in one day!
We’ll have the assistance of the GA Tech MOVE crew again, so we should be able to cover a lot of ground(literally and figuratively).
Attending both of these work days will get you on the list of folks who are eligible for discount on their One Passes and Wednesday night racing entry fees.
What else needs to be done? http://www.dicklanevelodrome.com/topic/2011/02/workday-tasks-3-5-11.html
To get stoked on how much fun and how awesome this will be.
Check out these photos of Alpenrose getting a facelift!
04/02/2011 – 9:00am – 3:00pm
Text From here: fastermustache.org/node/7255
Seriously, it is SO refreshing to see folks pitching in the help support their passions. We have a cleanup session each spring at Alpenrose where the track is patched and repainted and the storage lockers are cleaned out and rental bikes prepared for the season.
I’d say you’re at least as passionate about track racing as I am about short-track xc. Good on ya! Looking forward to excellent photos of your summer exploits at the track. Have a great season!