Bikes To Rwanda Benefit @ Octane Coffee

Bikes To Rwanda

Artist Call! Design a Spoke Card…build a bike shop!

What: A fund-raising event for Portland Non-Profit, Bikes To Rwanda

When: April 12th, 2008 8pm @ Octane Coffee, 1009b Marietta St. NW

What we need: Spoke Cards! Any medium, any quantity, any format. Artists will donate cards that will be sold at the event, all proceeds from sales will go to Bikes To Rwanda. Ideal size= 6 x 6 inches and under, though this is not limiting or restrictive.

Deadline: Saturday, March 29th. Octane will laminate and price the spoke cards.

Spoke cards will be displayed on bike wheels, throughout the shop, from April 1st-12th.
If you would like to make multiple prints, we will have a merch table set up the night of the 12th, for extra cards and other event related items.

What is Bikes To Rwanda?

Bikes To Rwanda provides cargo bikes to co-operative coffee farmers in Rwanda. The goal is to improve quality of life in these communities through a bike workshop and maintenance program that provides transportation resources for basic needs and enhances production of quality coffee.

Octane’s goal is to raise enough money to facilitate the construction of a bike maintenance shop for a coffee farm in Rwanda.

With your help, they can do it!

For more details:
email Alyssa:
call her: 319.321.7258
call octane: 404.815.9886

Bikes To Rwanda Show + Race
ATL Bikes To Rwanda

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